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What to Do When a Spouse Mentions Divorce
Fighting in a relationship is normal. While arguments can be stressful, they’re a common way for couples to work out their disagreements, or voice their emotions. While an argument is okay every so often, frequent episodes can be damaging to the relationship. Often, this leads to divorce or separation, as aggressive confrontation can get old very quickly. The word divorce can be scary to hear, as it threatens security and peace of mind. In fact, it changes life as one knows it. How do you handle a situation where your spouse throws out the dreaded d-word?
How to Respond to the Threat of Divorce
Sometimes, the topic gets thrown around in the heat of anger. Your spouse may know how terrifying the very thought is. It can help your partner gain leverage, stop the argument, or lash out. It could also be an accurate representation of their repressed emotions. Whatever the case, it’s essential that after things die down, you both talk like adults. It will be helpful for the other to explain where they’re coming from. It’s also beneficial for you to ask whether or not they were serious. If they are not, mention that it hurts your feelings and that it’s not a matter to take lightly. If the emotions are real, work together to get to the bottom of the issues.
If your spouse is serious about divorce, you’ll want to get a professional divorce attorney in West Palm Beach. It’s difficult to face the reality that your loved one may actually be ending the marriage. However, a divorce attorney can be there to help you understand what your options are. This way, you can defend yourself should the situation take a turn for the worst.
In many cases, relationships are salvageable. It takes a lot of work to make a marriage flourish. It takes even more work to bring a sinking marriage back up for air. Talking to your partner about alternative options such as therapy or a marriage counselor could be the very thing that saves your union.
At Bruce S. Rosenwater & Associates, we understand how challenging divorce can be. There’s nothing enjoyable about it, and there are many emotions tied up in the case. Our professionals of family law in West Palm Beach take a compassionate approach with our clients, fully hearing their needs, wants, and fears. Through many conversations, we’ll represent their views with determination. If you’re facing a divorce, contact Bruce S. Rosenwater & Associates today at (561) 316-4576. For a sensitive moment in life, you’ll need a team you can fully trust and rely on.