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Category Archives: Divorce


Disbelief and Divorce

By Bruce S. Rosenwater |

A journey that is often fraught with challenges, divorce can lead to a whirlwind of conflicting emotions, including sadness, anger, confusion, and even disbelief. In the midst of such turmoil, it’s crucial to recognize that grieving the loss of a marriage is a natural part of the process. Families in Florida facing the difficult… Read More »

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Social Media Issues When Ending a Marriage

By Bruce S. Rosenwater |

For many in Florida and around the world, social media is an integral part of daily life. From building personal contacts to sharing life updates with old friends, platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn have revolutionized how we communicate. While all of this communication can bring a lot of joy, during the divorce process… Read More »

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Reasons for Court Divorces and Other Resolution Paths

By Bruce S. Rosenwater |

While many Florida couples strive to settle their divorces amicably outside of court, certain circumstances may necessitate litigation to reach a resolution. If you want to learn more about why some divorces end up in Florida courts and ways to avoid court involvement, such as mediation, connect with a West Palm Beach family attorney…. Read More »

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Easing Stress for Kids During Divorce

By Bruce S. Rosenwater |

Divorce is a challenging journey for all involved, and it can be especially tough on children. From emotional distress to behavioral changes, children are often impacted by their parents’ disputes. But there are ways parents can minimize the stress kids experience and support them through this life transition. By prioritizing conflict resolution, creating a… Read More »

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Top Things to Keep in Mind When Divorcing

By Bruce S. Rosenwater |

Divorce can be a tumultuous process, but there are things you can do if you want to avoid some of the upsetting highs and lows. Beyond addressing legal matters, it is important to prioritize your emotional well-being and future goals as you move to dissolve a union. When you talk to a seasoned West… Read More »

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Signs of Hidden Assets and Assessing Records

By Bruce S. Rosenwater |

One aspect of a divorce that requires careful attention is the division of assets. Sometimes assets are hidden from view, leading to unfair divorce agreements. Unearthing all marital assets and debts is essential to complete an equitable distribution process. A West Palm Beach family attorney can help you uncover hidden assets. Experienced lawyers are… Read More »

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Fortifying Your Finances When Divorcing

By Bruce S. Rosenwater |

Emotions can run high when a marriage ends. While this is normal, you want to be sure you are making informed decisions instead of reacting without fully assessing the situation. One of the most significant aspects of untangling a marital union is analyzing finances. In order to be aware of your financial position today… Read More »

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Divorce and Your First Steps Toward a New Life

By Bruce S. Rosenwater |

It is normal to be confident in your decision to exit a marriage but not be sure how to embark on the journey of divorce. If this is true for you, take a deep breath and know that you are not alone. Facing the difficult decision to end a marriage can be complicated, and… Read More »

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Dividing Cryptocurrency Assets When a Marriage Ends

By Bruce S. Rosenwater |

The divorce asset division process can be complicated when cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum are involved. And in Florida, as in many parts of the world, the rise of cryptocurrencies means more people hold these assets. There are professionals who can help you with the complexities of dividing cryptocurrency when a marriage ends, discuss your… Read More »

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Business Valuations and Divorce

By Bruce S. Rosenwater |

When one or both individuals within a marriage own a business and those spouses choose to divorce, specific steps will need to be taken to be sure asset distribution is equitable and fair. Business valuations are a key aspect of asset division. If you have questions about how businesses are reviewed during a divorce,… Read More »

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Different Grounds for a Florida Divorce

By Bruce S. Rosenwater |

There are a range of reasons that marriages come to an end, and in the state of Florida there are several grounds upon which a divorce can be filed. Understanding divorce grounds is essential if you are in the process of separating and divorcing. To have the specifics of your situation reviewed, connect with… Read More »

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Mediation Can Be a Path to an Amicable Resolution

By Bruce S. Rosenwater |

Divorce is a challenging life adjustment, and many report struggling to balance their own emotional upheaval with the details of legal complexities. But there may be a path to an amicable resolution, one that doesn’t involve the stress and expenses of litigation. A popular alternative divorce method is mediation. To determine if mediation would… Read More »

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Determining If Divorce is the Best Option

By Bruce S. Rosenwater |

A life-altering decision, divorce has far-reaching consequences. So when couples find themselves navigating marital difficulties, there often needs to be a period of time in which the idea of a divorce is carefully considered. Sometimes ending the marriage is the best choice, but in other situations another resolution path is possible. Bring your questions… Read More »

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Mental Illness and Pursuing a Divorce

By Bruce S. Rosenwater |

When a spouse is coping with mental health issues, it can add another layer of complexity to the divorce process. If you are pursuing a Florida divorce and there are mental health issues involved, connect with a West Palm Beach family attorney to discuss unique legal considerations that need to be explored. Skilled divorce… Read More »

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Ways To Reduce Conflict Through Divorce Timing

By Bruce S. Rosenwater |

It is natural to want a  low stress divorce process, and one of the factors that can impact the level of conflict during a divorce is the timing of the divorce itself. To explore ways to reduce conflict through divorce timing, share your hopes and concerns with a West Palm Beach family attorney. An… Read More »

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Should We Wait Until The Kids Are Adults?

By Bruce S. Rosenwater |

Deciding when to divorce can be especially complicated when there are children involved. While some couples consider delaying a divorce until the kids have grown up, it is important to consider that there are also consequences to waiting. In many situations, moving forward with a plan to divorce is in the best interests of… Read More »

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Examples Of Digital Harassment During The Divorce Process

By Bruce S. Rosenwater |

Digital harassment during a Florida divorce process is more common than most people think, and cyberstalking, identity theft, and social media abuse result in significant emotional stress for those involved. A West Palm Beach family attorney can provide you with guidance throughout the divorce process, including letting you know when digital harassment has crossed… Read More »

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Are You Considering Divorce?

By Bruce S. Rosenwater |

It is normal to have a period of time in which you are deciding if you want to pursue ending your marriage or not. This could happen in tandem with going to marriage counseling, or you may be weighing the pros and cons of separating because it is clear you and your spouse have… Read More »

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What If My Spouse Wants To Share A Divorce Attorney?

By Bruce S. Rosenwater |

In some situations, spouses who are moving forward with an uncontested divorce consider using one divorce lawyer, to save money and streamline the process. While a divorce that is uncontested is often in the best interests of both parties as they are able to agree on divorce terms, the reality is having your own… Read More »

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Are Common Goals Possible?

By Bruce S. Rosenwater |

It is typically easy to list a lot of disagreements when you are divorcing, but taking a moment to consider if there are common goals can be helpful when creating a divorce agreement. And if you and your spouse are open to negotiating the terms of your divorce, it can save you time and… Read More »

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