Monthly Archives: October 2023

Reasons Why a Divorce Will Go Through a Discovery Process
When a Florida couple moves to divorce and there are significant assets, child custody disputes, or disagreements over spousal support involved, a legal procedure known as a discovery process may be required in order for a fair outcome to be reached. If you’re considering or currently going through a divorce in West Palm Beach,… Read More »

Husbands, Spousal Support, and Navigating Alimony in Florida
When it comes to alimony, some people hold onto outdated stereotypes, such as a wife being the one who may receive spousal support when a marriage ends. But in reality, under Florida family law, alimony knows no gender boundaries. Spousal support can be awarded to either spouse, and if you are a Florida husband… Read More »

Determining Your Needs During a Life Transition Like Divorce
It is common for individuals exiting a Florida marriage to experience a whirlwind of emotions and challenges. During any significant life transition, such as divorce, understanding your needs and seeking support are important ways to move forward and find a brighter future. Once you have determined your needs and goals, you can begin to… Read More »

Forms of Income Assessed When Determining Support Payments
When navigating a divorce, there are practical considerations such as financial matters. Depending on your situation, you may be concerned about how much you will be required to pay your ex-spouse or if you will be receiving payments, worries about it being enough to cover your household expenses could be top of mind. Talk… Read More »