When Is It Time To File For Divorce?

Long-term relationships are complex. Many couples who choose to divorce report they recognized the marriage was ending years prior to divorce paperwork being filed. Then, there is often a period of attempting to reconcile, possibly with the assistance of a marital counselor. And it is important to think through a divorce decision carefully. The financial ramifications can be felt for decades and children and extended families may have a difficult time transitioning.
Once you tell your spouse you want a divorce and file paperwork, changing your mind may not be possible. But if you have thought about it for a long time and have tried reconciliation techniques without success, it may be time to file for divorce. If you are wondering what a post-divorce life could look like for you, connect with an experienced West Palm Beach family attorney.
Communication Breakdowns
In order for a marriage to thrive, the individuals within the couple need to be able to communicate with one another. Naturally there will be disagreements sometimes, but resolving disputes is essential so both people can put the argument in the past and focus on the present.
But when a relationship is failing, communication falters. Some of the ways to promote healthy communication include the following:
- Avoid accusatory messages, yelling, and shouting.
- Be specific about what needs to be discussed.
- Discuss the present issue without bringing up past grievances.
- Use open body language and avoid eye rolls and crossed arms.
Of course, a therapist who has experience working with married couples can help spouses work through specific issues and learn communication strategies for their unique situation.
Learn About What to Expect from a Divorce Lawyer
If you have decided on a new future, it may be time to file for divorce. For some, the decision to file for divorce simply comes when they choose a more fulfilling life path. They may be able to cite good times in the past but acknowledge the union is no longer working and it is time for both parties to move forward with their own lives, separate from one another.
There are many unknowns for individuals entering the divorce process. You may wonder what your finances will look like and if you will be able to retain the marital home. And if there are children involved, child support payments and custody schedules will need to be addressed. But when you sit down and share your concerns with a West Palm Beach family attorney, you will learn about next steps and what to expect.
Is it time for you to move past reconciliation attempts and move forward with a Florida divorce? You do not have to handle the process on your own, the legal professionals at Bruce S. Rosenwater & Associates will file paperwork for you and negotiate on your behalf. Our qualified lawyers have the skills required to fight for your key goals and pave a path to the future you want. You need a legal professional working for you, schedule a consultation today.