What to Know About Guardianship Law in West Palm Beach

Dealing with family law can always be difficult, and at Bruce Rosenwater & Associates, our team understands the sensitivity around these matters. Guardianship law in West Palm Beach is a serious topic, and when it comes time to either make decisions for the unforeseeable future, or step into those previously made plans, it’s important to understand the basics.
First and foremost, a guardian is someone who has been appointed to care for a child or children day-to-day, after the original guardian is no longer able. There are multiple reasons a child may need a guardian, such as illnesses, death, or incarceration. A guardian can also be different types of people, such as grandparents, friends, or even foster parents. However, either the courts or the parents choose who the guardian will be.
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Secondly, guardianship may be temporary. An example of temporary guardianship would be due to either illness or jail time. If a parent desires to change guardianship while still unable to perform as a guardian themselves, this decision will have to go through the court system before being legally set into motion.
Another aspect, especially when chosen as a permanent guardian over a child, is that there are certain responsibilities these new guardians are now given. A few of those responsibilities include housing, schooling, drivers license, mental health, and medical and dental needs. As a child’s guardian, they are essentially embodying parenting practices, which includes caring deeply and compassionately for these children, taking their lives into consideration along with one’s own.
There are also different types of guardianships, which do not apply to people, but to property. An Individual may be an appointed guardian of an estate, which generally means that a minor currently owns the estate, and therefore are not capable of managing the estate themselves. As a guardian, it is their job to protect this estate. It is important to keep any and all finances separate that pertain to the child, or the child’s estate. Another part of protecting the estate means that nothing is ever to be sold from the estate and that spending any of the estates financial resources is also not allowed.
At Bruce Rosenwater & Associates, we know how difficult these processes can be, especially when the details of the situation are extremely sensitive. This type of law can be very confusing, especially because of the fine print, rules, and regulations that may often times go unnoticed. That’s why having a guardianship lawyer in West Palm Beach will save unnecessary stress, allowing you to focus on your family and their interests. If you’re interested in learning more about guardianship law, come see us, and see how our knowledgeable team can help.