What Are the Benefits of Declaring Bankruptcy in West Palm Beach?

When it comes to breaking free from debt, few options compare to bankruptcy. At Bruce S. Rosenwater & Associates, P.A., we know that bankruptcy is one of the most popular options for fighting debt. If you’re facing more debt than you can reasonably handle, it may be time to consider bankruptcy. If you’re looking into declaring bankruptcy in West Palm Beach, our attorneys at Bruce S. Rosenwater & Associates, P.A. are here to help.
What happens after declaring bankruptcy in West Palm Beach?
The bankruptcy process involves many different steps, and declaring bankruptcy in West Palm Beach is one of the most important. But before you declare bankruptcy, there are many other steps that you need to take. First, you need to understand which type of bankruptcy is your best bet, and you need to understand how the process can work for you.
At Bruce S. Rosenwater & Associates, P.A., we can help. Our attorneys can assist with your entire bankruptcy process, from start to finish. We can help you determine if bankruptcy is your best choice. There are two main types of personal bankruptcy, including Chapter 13 and Chapter 7.
Which type of bankruptcy is best for you? It depends on many factors. For example, if you owe more than you earn, it may be beneficial to consider Chapter 7 bankruptcy. If you’re looking to retain as many assets as possible, Chapter 13 may be your better fit.
No matter which type of bankruptcy you choose, there are some benefits you can enjoy once you declare bankruptcy. Top benefits include:
- Relief from Debt Collectors
- Lowered or Eliminated Debts
- Regained Control of Finances
- Cessation of Creditor HarassmentThe Ability to Start Anew
When you’re living with debt, it can be hard to look forward to the bright future that’s offered through bankruptcy. At Bruce S. Rosenwater & Associates, P.A., our bankruptcy attorneys are here to help you find your ideal solutions.
What happens to my debts?
When you declare bankruptcy in West Palm Beach, your debts may be reduced or even eliminated. Chapter 13 bankruptcy may help lower your debts, Chapter 7 bankruptcy can help eliminate many debts. To discover your best option for bankruptcy and a bright future, call our team at Bruce S. Rosenwater & Associates, P.A. to learn more. You can schedule your consultation by calling 561-688-0991.