How to Navigate Divorce and Custody Using Family Law in West Palm Beach

Do you need to file for divorce? If so, you’re not alone. Millions of Americans every year find that their partner isn’t the one they should be spending the rest of their lives with. It’s not an easy thing to come to terms with, especially if there are children involved. Thinking about splitting the family up can be devastating, but fortunately, there is a positive way to go about this trying situation. At the offices of Bruce S. Rosenwater & Associates, we strive to help our clients find peace within challenging life moments. We know divorce isn’t what you had in mind, but we also understand that sometimes, things just don’t work out the way you imagined. There are actions you can take to make the process of divorce easier.
Be Civilized Around Kids: Tips from Family Law
The most practical advice from a family law firm that has been dealing with child custody issues is to be civil in front of your children. Separating families is hard enough, let alone when kids are exposed to fighting and hostile parents. To avoid such discussions, try to have them outside or when kids are not home. If the situation is too hard to handle, have the offices of Bruce S. Rosenwater & Associates do the talking for you. You can ensure that even while you are both away from one another, if neither bad-mouths the other in front of the children, the situation will not be as stressful for all involved.
Sort Out a Schedule
Each parent is likely to have different schedules, which can work out well for childcare agreements. For example, perhaps one parent works late, or they work on the weekends. Therefore, the child can be with the parent who is not working. If there are certain holidays that parents hold close to heart, perhaps there can be an agreement on securing that occasion. Pick up times will also need to be coordinated, which can all be done through a law professional. The trusted professionals at Bruce S. Rosenwater & Associates can help you prevent scheduling conflicts before they occur, by preparing a detailed parenting plan.
Agree on Parenting Styles
Parenting styles are not always the same, but it is important to come to an agreement on the essential elements of life, such as healthcare, daycare and aftercare, and education. Being on the same page will help facilitate co-parenting. The experts at the offices of Bruce S. Rosenwater can help your family in these trying times.
Make Strict Rules
If one parent isn’t comfortable with the other parent, or an atmosphere one parent doesn’t think is safe, it’s crucial to voice those concerns. There’s nothing more frustrating than trying to get the ex-spouse to adhere to rules. However, if a person or place makes you feel that your child isn’t in safe hands, those worries should be addressed with your attorney. The professionals at Bruce S. Rosenwater can help you find peace of mind.
At Bruce S. Rosenwater & Associates, we have years of experience tending to sensitive matters. When your family is at stake, there is no time for games. With our team on your side, you can expect the utmost care and respect as you re-establish your life. Call us today at (561) 688-8219 to see how family law in West Palm Beach can make this challenging moment a bit easier.